We recognise that we have a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods, with regular review points.
We use creative and practical thinking to achieve the greatest level of efficiency possible using minimum raw materials to create the maximum amount of product possible. As a company we heavily invest in ‘stock’ items meaning that we can quite often offer a ‘hired’ alternative to bespoke items.
Where possible we reuse bespoke products and offer them to clients as an alternative to building from scratch. Where bespoke items are fabricated, we will endeavour to dismantle and reuse the raw materials for other products minimising the amount going to waste.
We always try to use recycled materials as sustainable alternatives to other raw materials and minimise our environmental impact. Items that can’t be reused will not go to landfill and instead will be either used as a source of energy to heat our premises or failing that will go to a local refuse company to be sorted and recycled appropriately.